A bit about me

Hi! I’m Olivia, I’m an early years professional with over 12 years of experience working with children and families.

Through my time working with families, it's clear to see that no family is the same. What's even clearer to see is that every family faces very similar challenges when it comes to parenting.

I haven’t always had the answers and it’s been a journey to get to where I am today, but through my training and experience, I have honestly found positive parenting to be the most valuable and successful way of parenting.

It’s truly fascinating learning about the way our children’s brains work, our triggers as adults and how an understanding of both can transform family lives.

So… I’ve made it my greatest responsibility to bring you support in providing you with the skills and perspective every parent needs to deal with these challenging parenting predicaments.

Perfection is just not realistic and we’d be crazy to strive for it (especially with kids in tow) Parenting requires hard work as it’s undoubtedly the most difficult job out there You’re the CEO of the business (your family), and not only are you managing a multitude of roles, you are in charge of keeping little people alive too!

I’m here to guide, support and empower you to learn more about why kids behave the way they do and how best to respond to your individual child’s behaviour.

After working with me you will have a toolkit of skills, which not only help you get through the day but enable you to connect with your child and face situations with knowledge, confidence and power!

The fact that you're here shows you have a huge commitment to your family’s success, your child’s development and happiness and I can’t wait to start this exciting journey with you!

My qualifications:

  • BA Hons degree in Early childhood studies.

  • A certified educator with ‘The Parent Practice’ I have completed The Parent Practice’s Training for Trainers Programme and am a Parent Practice Certified Educator licensed to use The Parent Practice materials and methodology and to deliver The Parent Practice positive parenting course.

  • ‘Simplicity parenting’ care professionals course.

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Chat with me

to talk about the challenges you are facing or areas you’d like to improve and we can work out the best way to give you the support you need.